It's the end of the semester already, and for this final media meditation we were asked to blog on our experience with RSS and Google Alerts. Honestly, call me sheltered but I had never heard of RSS and Google Alerts before this media class. But hey, I am always open to new technology tools.
In our media class were were introduced with a YouTube video to better educate us on RSS in "plain english."
After this video was shown we were asked set up a Google Account / Google Reader. Then we were asked to surf the web and find the RSS icon on our favorite websites. Once we clicked on the icon we would get asked if we wanted to subscribe to the website. Then we would begin receiving e-mail updates known as Goggle Alerts. RSS is a limitless tool that allows you to stay up to date with my favorite websites.

Days later I began receiving Google Alerts from Champlain College, Elle Magazine, etc. It was filled with news, entertainment, tips and more. This type of technology is a great learning tool for our media class because it keeps us up to date and relates to the packet we received on our first day of Electronic Media & Writing class. For example, Technological Shift: "what are the trade-offs of living in a 21st century?" The ability to get updated from our favorite websites to our e-mail accounts. You can also access your Google Alerts from your SmartPhone which relates to Aesthetic Shift.
RSS readers use a number of persuasive techniques to grab the attention from a variety of different demographics. Symbols is the first persuasive technique used. The RSS icon is a small memorable icon that is seen on millions of different websites. Another persuasive technique used is Timing. When I subscribed to Elle Magazine I started to receive information directly instead of having to search for the information. I often started receiving information that I wouldn't have normally searched for, but was happy to see it in my inbox. For example tips and upcoming events.
RSS and Google Alerts is a fascinating tool and also reminds me of Twitter, we can directly receive news and updates from our favorite magazines, celebrities, and more. Twitter is a bit limited with information with only 140 characters. With Google Alerts and RSS you can receive pages of information and a variety of different links. Receiving Tweets from my favorite celebrities and companies can be useful for people on the go, who may not have as much time to sit down and look through an alert. That's one reason why I love Twitter so much, they update you with the most important information.
Tools such as RSS, Google Alerts, and Twitter are changing the way we receive and send information, it's a great tool that I see myself using in my career in PR.
I enjoyed learning about the media in this media course and I look forward to what the future of technology will bring us.
EXCELLENT personal media meditations here, Sierra. A few items missing - final video reflection etc. - but overall, this is a SOLID blogging effort. Bravo! - Dr. W